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Coffee With a Cop Aims to Grow Stronger, Healthier Communities

Coffee With a Cop Aims to Grow Stronger, Healthier Communities

Over the past year or so, the news has featured many stories that call into question the relationship between the police and the communities th...
Make Your Very Own Coffee Grounds Compost

Make Your Very Own Coffee Grounds Compost

Every day, people across America wake up to a fresh pot of steaming hot coffee. And every day, they toss their used coffee grounds into the tra...
Your Favorite Coffee Flavors Taste Even Better as Coffee Smoothies

Your Favorite Coffee Flavors Taste Even Better as Coffee Smoothies

It’s that time of year: the flowers are blooming, the night is losing its chill, and the birds are filling the mornings with song. Soon, it will ...
Lots of Your Favorite Treats are Coffee Flavored, But Coffee Soda?

Lots of Your Favorite Treats are Coffee Flavored, But Coffee Soda?

There are a few different ways of getting your morning caffeine fix. Some folks stop by the convenience store for a gulp-buster of caffeinated ...
Your Coffee Allergy Is More Likely To Be A Caffeine Allergy

Your Coffee Allergy Is More Likely To Be A Caffeine Allergy

Believe it or not, there is such a thing as a coffee allergy. Usually the symptoms arise in the form of intestinal distress that may include di...
Jerry Seinfeld Created a Successful Show about Comedians Drinking Coffee

Jerry Seinfeld Created a Successful Show about Comedians Drinking Coffee

Jerry Seinfeld may be a brilliant comedian, but he’s a little lazy when it comes to coming up with actual premises for shows. And it seems that...

5 Hottest Coffee Trends Right Now

Coffee is finding its rightful place amongst the gourmet crowd, gaining an appreciation amongst many on par with fine wine. It is moving away from ...
What Exactly Makes a Coffee an Americano Coffee?

What Exactly Makes a Coffee an Americano Coffee?

For those already in the know, coffee drinkers who enjoy drip coffee but don’t have access to it have found that an Americano coffee is the per...
How Is Decaf Coffee Made?

How Is Decaf Coffee Made?

Decaf coffee tends to be regarded as one of those eternal mysteries. If the coffee bean naturally contains caffeine, then how in the world is t...
Turn Your Coffee Obsession Into a Profession and Learn How to Become a Barista

Turn Your Coffee Obsession Into a Profession and Learn How to Become a Barista

People who are passionate about wine can become sommeliers, but people who are passionate about coffee become baristas. Because about 65% of ad...
10 Things I Want My Kids To Know This Mother's Day

10 Things I Want My Kids To Know This Mother's Day

This article was originally written by Ann Brenoff in the Huffington Post. Before my kids came along, Mother's Day was just another Sunday in Ma...
A Love Letter to Coffee

A Love Letter to Coffee

This article originally appeared on I’m a coffee lover. I am, really. I love coffee. I just love it, all of it, every part of it. I lo...