Advantages of Using a K Cup to Brew Coffee
Using a K-Cup to brew your coffee offers many advantages. A K-Cup is a single serving packet of coffee that is used with a Keurig coffee machine. Ground coffee is packed inside the cup along with a filter. A foil lid is placed on top of the K-Cup. When the cup is placed into the coffee machine, the foil is punctured and hot water is forced through the cup and the coffee is brewed directly into a mug. Each K-Cup makes one cup of coffee.
There are many different manufacturers who make K-Cups for Keurig machines, and coffee drinkers have a wide variety of coffees to choose from. There are also K-Cups for tea and hot cocoa, making K-Cups versatile.
The Advantages of K-Cups Over Traditional Coffee
K-Cups are very simple to use. Unless you choose the wrong blend to make, it is virtually impossible to make a bad cup of coffee with a K-Cup. K-Cups brew a quick, delicious cup of coffee with no need to measure coffee from a bag and make a mess. Just pour in water, place the K-Cup in, and put your mug under. It brews right to your mug.
K-Cups also make a fast cup of coffee. Most machines that use K-Cups brew in one to two minutes. No more waiting 10 minutes for an entire pot to brew. You can enjoy multiple brew sizes with the K-Cup system as well. Each K-Cup machine allows users to set the brew size. For a stronger, more potent cup of coffee, a user can select a smaller brew size. For a larger, mellower cup of coffee, a user can select a larger brew size.
K-Cups Save You Money and Time
Coffee house quality at a fraction of the price basically sums up the K-Cup experience. One of the reasons many people choose to get their coffee from a coffee house each morning instead of from their own kitchen is because the quality tends to be better. With K-Cups, the quality is perfect each time. While K-Cups may be a bit more expensive than traditional coffee, they are far less expensive than a cup from your average coffee shop each day. If you replace your coffee shop coffee each morning with a K-Cup brewer, the brewer will pay for itself in savings. Over time, you will see a significant savings.
Utilizing a Keurig coffee machine and K-Cups gives you the exact coffee you want each time. With traditional coffee makers, everyone drinks what has been brewed. With K-Cups, each coffee drinker gets the type and flavor coffee he or she wants.
K-Cups offer an easy system for brewing coffee. There are no beans to grind yet the coffee is always at its freshest because each K-Cup is airtight. There are also no filters to buy or clean, and no glass carafes to break. Since the K-Cup brews directly into a mug there is no glass carafe that will break and be next to impossible to replace. Glass carafes can get stained and grungy looking. No carafe means no cleaning a carafe. In many cases coffee can be saved as well. Sometimes you brew more than you need and end up pouring half a pot down the sink. With K-Cups, you make only as much as you’ll drink.
K-Cup Coffee is About Options
Organic or fair trade coffee is available for use with K-Cups as well. K-Cups are one of the few single brewing options that offer these green and responsible choices of coffee. K-Cups are a very easy clean up too. They are dry when taken out of the machine and can be thrown in the trash without leaving a messy, drippy trail.
While individual packs of K-Cups from the grocery store might be a bit expensive, there are many online sellers that offer a discount and many K-Cup coffee clubs that regularly send K-Cups at a discount. In fact, Keurig has its own coffee club with many discounts and benefits.
A variety of K-Cup machines are available, ranging from heavy duty machines to small machines that can be kept directly on your desk. Since only one cup at a time is brewed, you don’t have to worry about having a hot carafe of coffee waiting to spill or burn.
One more thing you might want to know about K-Cups is that not just anyone can manufacture them. Green Mountain Coffee owns Keurig and the right to license out the making of K-Cups. That means that they need to approve any manufacturer that wants to put its product in K-Cup. This helps to assure quality because Green Mountain Coffee is committed to making sure their product produces the best cup of coffee drinkers can have.
Most people who have a K-Cup brewing machine rave about the machine and the coffee it makes. Having a perfect cup of coffee brewed just the way you like it in fewer than two minutes certainly is something to rave about.