K-Cup fans know that seasonal K-Cups are around for a limited time each year, so when your favorite seasonal coffee K-Cup is out, you have to get it before it is sold out. We are pleased to announce that winter seasonal K-Cup coffees are available now!
These tasty K-Cups represent the flavors of the season, emulating traditional holiday food and drinks in an easy to brew seasonal flavored K-Cup. Enjoy the taste of the winter holiday season with the Green Mountain Coffee Seasonal K-Cups that we carry, and act quickly to savor the autumn seasonal K-Cups that are nearly sold out.
Seasonal K-Cups Available At CoffeeForLess
The season of winter holidays and festivals is upon us, bringing with it the treats and delights of the season. Green Mountain Coffee seeks to capture these tastes in their two seasonal K-Cups this year, and we are glad to provide them.
Green Mountain Coffee knows it is the season of holiday cookies, and nothing is more traditional than gingerbread men and gingerbread cookies. Enjoy Gingerbread Cookie Flavored Coffee K-Cups and add a bit of spice to your coffee. Green Mountain Coffee Gingerbread Coffee is spiced with ginger, clove, and sweet cinnamon, three spices that go excellently with coffee.
The holidays bring traditional seasonal drinks. Folks mull their wine and mix up a batch of eggnog, and Green Mountain Coffee Eggnog Flavored Coffee K-Cups capture the spiced taste of this winter drink to our Keurig brewer. Enjoy smooth creamy flavor and nutmeg spice flavored coffee and enjoy eggnog flavor without the high calories of this seasonal beverage.
Most Autumn Seasonal K-Cups are sold out already, but you can still catch Pumpkin Spice K-Cups while they last.
Enjoy the variety of coffee flavors that your Keurig provides and savor the season with Green Mountain Coffee and CoffeeForLess.