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How Do You Know if You’ve Had Too Much Coffee in a Day?
Coffee For Less Blog

How Do You Know if You’ve Had Too Much Coffee in a Day?

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Some of you might scoff at the notion of there being such a thing as “too much coffee.” We get it completely, because we love coffee too, obviously. Not only that, but drinking coffee has been shown to have significant health benefits. In spite of this, there is such a thing as too much caffeine when you drink coffee. So how can you tell if you’ve overdone it?

Coffee and the Jitters

When you’re working, it’s easy to lose track of how many cups of coffee and caffeine you've had. If you start fidgeting or your hands are getting a little bit shaky, then it may be time to switch to water or herbal tea for the day. Ditto that for increased heartbeat and feelings of restlessness – you may have ingested too much caffeine from coffee if you’re exhibiting these signs.

Getting the Heebie Jeebies From Caffeine?

Anyone who has ever experienced an anxiety attack knows that it’s not a pleasant experience, to say the least. And too much caffeine from coffee or other beverages can produce similar symptoms. If you’ve had so much coffee that you begin to sense impending doom for no apparent reason, or feel like spies might be following you around the office, then it’s probably a good idea to hold off on your 9th cup.

Be Still, My Beating Heart

Increased heartbeat is another sign that you may be drinking a bit too much java. You may also experience a feeling that could best be described as your heart “skipping a beat.” That’s not actually what it’s doing, and it’s probably not life threatening, but it can be rather unsettling. If you find the old ticker galloping away with nary a treadmill in sight, it could be the caffeine in your coffee. Oh, and we’re not doctors, so if you feel like something’s seriously wrong, you’d be wise to consider seeking medical attention.

I Don’t Feel So Well. Is It the Coffee?

If you have a knot in your stomach, or start to feel like you just got off the Zipper at the State Fair, then you may have had too much caffeine. Heartburn can also be caused by excessive coffee intake, as coffee and caffeine relaxes the part of the esophagus that normally prevents stomach acid from making its way up the throat.

So Thirsty… Must Have Water

Caffeine is a diuretic, which basically means that it makes you have to urinate. If your urine is dark yellow or orange, then you might very well be dehydrated, and that’s not a healthy thing. Try alternating coffee with water throughout the day, or just cut down on your coffee intake so you’re ingesting less caffeine.

Counting Sheep

After a long day of hard work and an evening of socializing or hitting the gym, your body should be ready for dreamtime. If you have trouble drifting off to sleep on a regular basis, excessive caffeine from your daily coffee intake could be the culprit. Caffeine’s effect can last 5 hours or more, so try cutting out the coffee after lunchtime and see if that makes a difference, before you decide to reduce the amount you drink each day even further.

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