Have you ever heard anyone say that a coffee diet can actually help you to lose weight? Well if you haven’t, then rest assured: it can. You may be thinking that we’re talking about drinking only coffee as part of a fad diet, or else doing something extreme or bizarre to lose weight while drinking coffee, but it’s not like that at all. Here’s a few reasons behind the coffee diet connection, and how you can have your daily dose, experience weight loss, and a live an even happier life without putting that cup of Joe down.
Coffee Suppresses the Appetite
Some studies have shown that drinking caffeinated coffee may help you lose weight because it suppresses one’s desire to eat. You can sip a delicious cup without loads of cream and sugar, as an alternative to eating food if all you’re looking for is palate pleasure. If you’re truly hungry though, then you need to eat something a bit more substantial in order to stay healthy.
Coffee May Help Burn Calories
It’s reported that coffee may help with calorie burning, which can lead to weight loss. This version of a “coffee diet” does this by stimulating thermogenesis, which is the body’s process of producing heat through food metabolism.
Coffee Works as a Diuretic
The caffeine works as a diuretic, which means it causes the body to lose water. When you lose water, you’ll see a temporary decrease in weight. Keep in mind, however, that if you drink too much joe, your body will lose too much water, and it will then compensate by holding on to water in the future, which can make you gain water weight.
Coffee Can Help With Your Workout
If you’re working out to lose weight, then your daily cup can provide you with mental clarity and focus. You can be more energized, on-point, and ready for whatever type of exercise you’re engaging in.
Coffee Increases Metabolism
Many experts suggest that drinking black coffee on an empty stomach, and in moderation, can increase your metabolism. As you drink it, your nervous system is stimulated, which facilitates fat burning by removing fatty acids from fat cells. They can then be released from your body with urine, because coffee also acts as a diuretic.
Coffee and Weight Loss
Drinking a daily cup is all you need to follow a coffee diet that could help you to lose weight. And remember – you don’t need to put down 6 to 8 cups; you only need maybe one or two cups on a coffee diet, to keep the pounds off. As you’re drinking it throughout the day, remember that you should also be drinking water so you can stay healthy, hydrated, and lean.
Consult your healthcare physician for advice on how coffee impacts your overall health and diet.